Fashion MAP/V4 Fashion Team Competition

At Fashion MAP our aim is to seek new talent and to support the entire Eastern European fashion industry. Therefore, we have organized a photo competition for all of the fashion teams to join. We know from our own experience that no project is just a one-man show. There are multiple teams standing behind every successful designer, retailer, and fashion shoot! We think it is a pity that there is only a small market for talented MUAs , stylists, and art directors. In order to make these professions and thriving, something needs to change! New talent, more than just photographers, needs to be recognized, known, and appreciated; in order to attract the best, and encourage growth in the industry.

We know from our own experience that no project is just a one-man show.


We know from our own experience that no project is just a one-man show. In a one-month period, we have received over 30 submissions from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. This photo competition, which included the entire Central European region, was also a first time experience for us. We were curious how many teams would be able to compete and if there would be a high-level of quality among the competitors. Thirty teams means thirty different stylist, photographers, ideas, locations; not to mention thirty times the hours spent on the post-production, casting the models, and landing local designer stylings. This is evidence that there is a bright future in front of us! We will look back on these years, one day, with much nostalgia, and remember a time when the Eastern European fashion industry was still in its infancy.

Because of the quality and the high number of applications, it was also a real struggle to come up with just one winner. After much consideration, we decided on our favorite editorial, it was perfect in every detail – the photographic model, the MUA, the composition, the quality of the designer, and the stylings. Our winner’s exhibition Csaba Vago was presented at the V4 Talk  we hold on 12.2. 2018 at Prague’s concept store, Czech Labels and Friends. From there, the installation will travel to Bratislava, and then to Budapest.

In addition to the main winner, we have decided to also specially recognize submissions in the following categories: the best MUA, the best styling, and the best concept.

Therefore, all together, we have four winners that we would like to recognize (from all the submissions). We will introduce each one after the other shortly.
The top 10 editorials, besides the four winners, will also be published online on our Fashion MAP website in the editorial section.

As a special surprise, we would like to announce the special selection will be printed in the Slovak concept-lifestyle magazine LÁV; to celebrate their recent translation to English!

We would like to thank all of our participants for their effort and amazing work! We are proud to call this region ours because it is full of potential that is just waiting to be discovered! Keep doing what you are doing, because you are great at it!

Photographed by : Csaba Vago

Styling, art direction: Flora Zelenai

Mua: Bianka Des

Hair: Petra Bognar

Model: Kondás Kata @VM model management

Clothes: Aeron & other brands

Jewelery : the  Mama Kin


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